Examination CEO
About Examination
Examinations :- Continuous Internal Assessment • The institution follows formative and summative assessment approaches as a mechanism of internal assessment. • Formative and Summative Assessment Approaches: Summative Assessment: As far as the summative assessment is concerned, the institution follows a Centralized Continuous Internal Evaluation System. The main objective of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at regular intervals by conducting internal assessments. • Academic performance of students is evaluated both by Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and University Semester Examinations. The following is the ratio of marks allotted for CIA and University Examinations. • 30% of the total marks in each course is assessed by CIA Tests, Model Examinations, Assignments/ Seminars and Attendance in respect of theory courses and Lab involvement and records in respect of Practical/Viva-Voce. • The College conducts one CIA Tests per semester in a centralized manner as well as tutorials, assignments are also used. Attendance in all the CIA tests is compulsory. CIA Exam Timetable is duly prepared and circulated among the students in advance. • To ensure transparency of the evaluation process, the marks allotted are shown to students. Internal Marks are calculated on the basis of the marks secured in the tests, seminars/ assignments, classroom performance. The test papers of internal tests are distributed to the students after evaluation. The students shall go through the answer script, check and acknowledge the marks secured and return the paper to the faculty concerned. The test papers are preserved in the departments till the completion of the student’s course of study. Test marks will be displayed on the Department Notice Board. Examination Grievances Redressal: • There is complete transparency in the internal assessment at college level. College Examination Officer(CEO) monitors the schedule of internal examination and internal evaluation process. The student’s grievances related to internal examination are solved by College examination committee. • Redressal of Grievances at College Level Examinations: Student have to approach CEO. Student have to submit application to CEO. CEO will consult with respective head of the department and teacher. After taking opinion from HOD and teacher the student will be informed.
Rules & Evaluation Scheme