Women Antiabuse Committee

The term "Women Antiabuse Committee" could refer to a group or organization dedicated to combating various forms of abuse against women. These committees typically focus on raising awareness about different types of abuse, providing support services for victims, advocating for policy changes to address gender-based violence, and working towards creating a safer environment for women. Some common areas of focus for Women Antiabuse Committees might include: 1. Domestic violence: Addressing physical, emotional, and psychological abuse that occurs within intimate relationships or family settings. 2. Sexual harassment and assault: Working to prevent and respond to unwanted sexual advances, harassment, and assault in workplaces, public spaces, and other settings. 3. Human trafficking: Combating the trafficking of women and girls for purposes of forced labor, sexual exploitation, and other forms of exploitation. 4. Child marriage: Advocating against the practice of forcing young girls into marriage, which can lead to various forms of abuse and exploitation. 5. Female genital mutilation (FGM): Raising awareness about the harmful practice of FGM and working to eliminate it through education, advocacy, and support for affected communities. 6. Legal advocacy and support: Providing legal assistance and advocacy services for women who have experienced abuse, including helping them navigate the legal system and access justice. 7. Education and outreach: Conducting outreach programs, workshops, and educational initiatives to raise awareness about gender-based violence and promote gender equality. Women Antiabuse Committees often collaborate with government agencies, NGOs, community organizations, and other stakeholders to address the complex issues surrounding violence against women and girls. They play a crucial role in empowering survivors, challenging societal norms that perpetuate abuse, and working towards systemic change to create a safer and more equitable society for all.

Photo Name Designation
Prof.K.A.Bendale Chairman
Dr. S.M.Jagtap Member
Prof.M.P.Kolhe Member
Prof.A.A.Indais Member
Prof.S.S.Deshmukh Member
Prof.P.N.Gadade Member
Prof.A.H.Inamdar Member
Prof.L.B.Kathe Member